The 2024 BCTF AGM passed Resolution 107 in Education Policy, calling upon the Federation to lobby the Ministry of Education to add several key events from the history of Palestine/Israel to the Social Studies 6-12 curriculum.

The full text of Resolution 107 is as follows: 

That the BCTF:

1. Continuously lobby the Ministry of Education and Child Care to include, where applicable, the following as part of the grades 6-12 Socials and History curricula until it gets added to the elaborations:

a) The Nakba
b) The 1948 Arab-Israeli War

c) Military occupation of Gaza and the West Bank

2. Have the BCTF president acknowledge through the next Teacher magazine that these events are essential to understanding the history of Palestine and Israel in the President’s Message.


Lesson plan, The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Searching for a Just Peace — BCTF

More resources available upon request.


School Board Trustees:

MP: lisamarie.barron@parl.gc.ca

Hill Office: 613-992-5243

Constituency Office: 250-734-6400

MLA: sheila.malcolmson.mla@leg.bc.ca and SDPR.Minister@gov.bc.ca

Victoria Office: (250) 356-7750

Constituency Office: (236) 362-0012

Mayor and Council:


Greg Keller

Phone: 250-713-6709

Email: greg.keller@sd68.bc.ca

Charlene McKay

Phone: 250-714-9007

Email: charlene.mckay@sd68.bc.ca

Naomi Bailey

Phone: 250 741-4703

Email: naomi.bailey@sd68.bc.ca

Tania Brzovic

Phone: 250-816-7277

Email: tania.brzovic@sd68.bc.ca

Leanne Lee

Phone: 250-802-6792

Email: leanne.lee@sd68.bc.ca

Chantelle Morvay

Phone: 250-802-7462

Email: chantelle.morvay@sd68.bc.ca

Leana Pellegrin

Phone: 250-802-7287

Email: leana.pellegrin@sd68.bc.ca

Mark Robinson

Phone: 250-802-6137

Email: mark.robinson@sd68.bc.ca

Tom Rokeby

Phone: 250-802-6507

Email: tom.rokeby@sd68.bc.ca

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